Pinterest Publishes Trend Predictions for 2025
‘Tis the season for predictions, and today, Pinterest has published its annual listing of predictions based on user engagement and interest over the past 12 months.
Pinterest Predicts 2025 comes with its own mini-site, which provides a visual overview of all of Pinterest’s trend forecasts. And they’re probably right, with Pinterest previously claiming that some 80% of the things that it predicts will become bigger trends actually going on to do so.
So it may be worth paying attention.
Each of Pinterest’s 20 predicted trends comes with a brief explainer, and data trends that point to this becoming a bigger shift.
As you can see in this example, Pinterest has also included Pin-aligned images that showcase the trend in action, so you can get a better grasp of what it means in the app.
It’s a good-looking overview, with striking visuals which underline each of the predicted trends.
Everything from “Fisherman Aesthetic” to “Castlecore” is included, which could help to guide your thinking on how to reach your target market in 2025.
And this year, Pinterest is also launching a product activation to go with its trend notes:
“To celebrate the launch of Pinterest Predicts, Pinterest is dropping over 20 exclusive products and experiences from December 9th to December 13th on a first-come, first-served basis. These trend drops will give lucky users a chance to try on next year’s trends before everyone else. From 14-carat tooth gems, to free trips to the mountains, and even a hand-painted piano, there is a world of trendy treats for users to try.”
As noted, Pinterest’s trend predictions are usually pretty spot-on, and there are some interesting, and striking trends in this year’s list. Tapping into the right ones for your brand could help you boost your marketing efforts, depending on your target audience.
It’s definitely worth a look either way.
You can check out the full listing of Pinterest Predicts trends for 2025 here.
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